As I bid a fond farewell to 2012, a year that was pretty good to me and my family and get ready to welcome 2013 and all it holds, I'm doing what most people will be doing in the next day... trying to give myself some direction for the new year. I hate writing new year's resolutions. I have good intentions but have a hard time sticking to them. So last year I wrote up just a couple of goals in the following categories - financial, household, mommy, and ((drumroll please)) weight loss.
::sigh:: I've have weight loss goals, dreams, resolutions, aspirations, whatever for as long as I can remember. The only exception would have been for 2011, as I was just a few weeks pregnant with my long awaited miracle twins! All I cared about that year was keeping my babies safe and healthy and inside growing for as long as I could. It took my hubby and me three heartbreaking years of battling infertility before we were blessed with our daughter (G) and son (B). They are my world. The reasons why I wake up in the morning. My reasons for living. The 2 best reasons for everything I do in life. And my motivation for wanting to be healthier and lose weight, to be here for them for the long haul.
In just a few days my babies will be 18 months. I weigh more now than I did when I had them at 34 weeks.
It's time for a change. It's time to do something about it.
And so my journey begins...