Weight Loss Goal

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, January 28, 2013

starting over

Well, it's back to the drawing board for me.  I need to get my act together, and follow through.  Here's where I was this morning:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

results: week two

I haven't posted because I had the most embarrassing week for anyone trying to lose weight.  I think we ate out 4 or 5 times.  And I was not making good choices.  Hello french fries and pizza.  So, I told myself that I still needed to face the music and get on the scale.  Time to start over.  I was sure I gained back all four of those pounds I lost last week.  Imagine my surprise to see this:

Seriously.  I lost another 1.5 pounds?!?!  The scale actually bounced between 244.0 and 245.5.  I stepped on and off about ten times, letting the scale turn off each time.  I tried repositioning the scale thinking maybe it was sitting funny on the bathroom floor or something.  But it kept popping up in the 244-245.5 range, so in the spirit of fairness I went with the higher number.  Crazy.

I'm down 5.5 pounds already.  I'm getting back on track today.  No more screwing around.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

results: week one

I lost 4 pounds!!!

I recognize that probably all of this is simply water weight, but 4 pounds is 4 pounds.  I have realistic goals for this journey.  If I can lose 1-2 pounds a week, by my birthday in April I'd be down anywhere from 15-30 pounds, putting me somewhere between 220-235.

When I got pregnant with G and B, I was 229 on my transfer day.  My weight today is right around where I was when I was admitted to the hospital for the last time before they were born.  I only gained around 20ish pounds even with a twin pregnancy.  I lost a bit early on, dropping down to 224 before starting to gain a bit.  I started off heavy and knew that I already had a high risk pregnancy, so I couldn't go crazy with the weight gain.  I ate.  Trust me, I ate.  But I think most of it went right to baby A and baby B.  I also had crazy, ridiculous heartburn/indigestion from about week 12 or 15 through delivery.  I couldn't eat more than a few bites before feeling full since the babies were rearranging my insides to a layout more suitable for themselves.

I'm sharing all of this just to put my weight into a bit more perspective.  I'd be very pleased to get down to my pre-baby weight  of 230 or so.  I've been heavy most of my life.  I'm a big girl - 5'10" and just solidly built.  I worked so hard to rock my wedding dress back in 2005, and I looked phenomenal at 180ish.  For so many people, even that number might be shockingly high, but I looked great.  My body is most comfortable settling somewhere around 220.  I haven't been below that in probably five years.  But there is nothing physically or genetically wrong with me; I absolutely can get lower than that if I put in the effort.

I'll be back later to write up a new goal to add to my water goal for this upcoming week.  For now, I'm celebrating being 4 pounds lighter!!!  =)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

water, water everywhere

I have a tendency to overestimate my abilities.  I overextend myself.  A lot.

96 ounces of water is a lot of frickin water.  I should have gone for 64 this week, met that goal, and then raised the bar.  But not me... I'm special.

So far I've been able to drink somewhere between 64-96 every day.  I only hit the old 96er twice so far.    I do have to report that in just the 5 days of consuming at least the 64 ounces my face is remarkably clearer.  I still have lots of shadow marks from recent acne, but new pimples can be counted on one have with fingers to spare.  =)

note to self

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm sick

Ugh, I have been as sick as a dog since Tuesday.  It's either a head cold or some kind of sinus thing going on.  The pressure in my face and head was beyond unbearable yesterday; I spent as much time as I could in bed while the little ones were napping.  I didn't get all of my water in yesterday, maybe around 64 ounces, but I did good on Tuesday and so far today.  One up side to being under the weather is that I've lost my appetite.  I really can't smell or taste anything.

I did hop on the scale this morning, and it popped up with 247.5.  Now, I know no one can lose three and a half pounds of fat in just two day.  It's all water weight.  And since I haven't been eating like I usually do, we'll see what next Tuesday's actual weigh in holds.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

my starting point and week one goal

So, here's my starting point as of this morning:

It ain't pretty.  Neither are those unpolished toenails.

I know everything that I need to do to lose weight.  I've joined Weight Watchers more times than I can count.  I could probably run the meetings over there!  It's just a matter of actually doing what needs to be done.  In the past I've also tried Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, Alli pills, Metabolife pills, and a handful of other pills.  I've done unhealthy things to try to lose weight.

I'm going to take this journey one meal at a time.  Not even day by day - I'm guilty of letting one poor choice ruin an entire day, or one day of slip ups turns into a weekend extravaganza.  No more.  One meal at a time.  If I make a bad choice at lunch there's no reason why I can't save the rest of the day.  No need to throw in the towel entirely.

So, my first goal for this week is to drink more water.  96 ounces a day is my goal.  I have this huge 32 ounce cup, so over the course of the day I have to fill it up three times.

I'm also going to be more aware of what I'm putting into my mouth.  But first things first, baby steps, water.